Edit: Tuesday, Dec. 11. Before I originally posted these photos on Saturday, I opened them in Coral software and did a "quick fix" on them in order to lighten features on this dark and rainy morning. After a day or so, I realized that the lightening of the images may have prevented observers from seeing some of the key fieldmarks, like the barring on the breast and flanks. Therefore, I have reposted Marvin DeJong's original unaltered photos. Again, Special thanks to Marvin DeJong for the great photos!

Photos courtesy of Marvin DeJong
Directions to bird: In Greene County. Take Hwy 65 North out of Springfield, Missouri. Go 5 miles to State Hwy AA. Follow signs to Fellows Lake. Follow FR 66 that runs on the north side of the lake until you reach the spillway below the dam. Proceed to intersection of FR 66 and FR 175. The bird was seen in the brushy field on the SE corner of this intersection. Also see the new Bald Eagle nest along the creek on the SW portion of the intersection.
Very nice pics. Great find!
Well done!
Awesome, Greg! Je suis jaloux.
I think Martha deserves a vote of thanks for putting up with you this weekend. I apologize for sending you the second group of photos kind of late and getting you all excited again. Thanks Martha.
You are so right! She's a gem for putting up with my slightly obsessive personality!
Thank you, Martha, for trying to understand this crazy part of me!
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