Upon my return from Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary, I began to think about the recovery of the Bald Eagle in America. The count of Bald Eagles in the Alton area is currently in the several hundreds and corresponding eagle watchers are flocking in to see our national symbol reinhabiting the nation's heartland.

As this point, I remembered the photography of my friend Marvin DeJong, my main birding buddy and GOAS member. I have been thinking about doing a series to showcase his work, and so I begin that series today with his photos of the Bald Eagle.

One year ago Marvin and his wife Claudia set off for a six month adventure in Alaska. They volunteered at
Sheldon Jackson College in Sitka. Across the sound was Mount Edgecomb, an extinct volcano. On the landward side stood the Tongass National Forest and mountainous terrain. One of Marvin's first purchases while there was a digital camera and zoom lens. One of the highlights of last winter was receiving his beautiful photos of the avian life of this rich bioregion.
Be sure to visit again as I continue this series with Marv's waterfowl photos, featuring Barrow's Goldeneye, Harlequin Duck, Long-tailed Duck, and Common Merganser young.
All photos copyright by Marvin DeJong.
Those are great, you should make them bigger.
The small ones are all expandable, but every time I try to post a larger picture, the larger picture doesn't expand. I don't know what the deal is, but if someone could help me understand what's going on, it would be great. It's been this way for awhile now.
The largest picture won't expand likely because it will already be the width of your blog. You don't need to expand it anymore if you download them in the large size.
Wow, what beautiful images! What equipment does Marvin use? Wish I could help with the techie-details about photo-uploading and display, it'd be great to see larger images in the post (though I'd still click to see the full-blown version).
Looking forward to the next installment.
Thank you Greg for posting my pictures from Alaska. If anyone wants an less compressed version, I would be glad to supply those that I have.
As far as equipment, I used a Canon 20d digital with a Sigma 170-500 mm zoom and sometimes a Canon image stabilized 70-300 mm zoom. I am by no means an expert or an experienced amateur; I just started some serious picture taking when we went to Alaska.
When the herring spawn in the Sitka sound, there are several hundred, perhaps thousands of eagles around. One of my most humorous pictures shows two eagles perched above the local MacDonald's establishment in Sitka.
Thanks again, Greg for putting out these pictures where they can be enjoyed by others.
Marvin De Jong
Odd that the pictures won't expand when you click on them though. Don't know what the case is with that.
For you and anyone else interested, I took your advice and uploaded the pictures in Firefox. It allowed me to post large, expandable pictures!
Great photos! I remember finding it a challenge to find Bald Eagles in CT 10 years ago.-That was the only birding that I did back then-looking for eagles in the winter.-Now we have 4 nests less than five miles from where I live.
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