It was spring break, so we attempted to escape the cold weather of SW Missouri, heading four hours directly south to Little Rock. The strategy worked as we enjoyed 3 days of 70+ temperatures, culminating with an 84 degree Thursday in central Arkansas.
Although I am currently supporting Barack Obama for president, I found myself highly respecting the role of Hillary both before and during Bill's years in the Whitehouse. Going back to a time, even before the two met, one finds Bill and Hillary were two highly gifted individuals believing strongly in public service, and modeling a life of action to achieve the highest of ideals. That is still true today.
Sure, they are both humans, with their inherent faults and shortcomings, but for the most part, they both strived and continue to strive to move America to a more enlightened state, embracing our strengths as one diverse and beautiful country, and furthering the cause of "liberty and justice for all".
Then comes Bush, Chaney, Rove, etc..... How quickly greed and intolerance can unravel progressive thought. The Republicans certainly can no longer claim to be "conservatives" as they continue to squander valuable natural and human resources, increase federal debt, and encourage spending and deficits, rather than striving to create a sustainable environment of savings and surpluses.
Come on, Hillary and Barack! Put your petty differences aside to join forces for the common good. Let the Democratic Party decide the nominee, but if you lose, join the winner to complete the Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton ticket. Make the decision to do so before June. It is the only way to ensure that we have enough time to adequately turn this country around.
Amen and amen! I don't know about the combo ticket, but we sure cannot deal with the stupidity, greed, militarism, partisanship, shortsightedness, lies, spin, divisiveness, and all the other shortcomings of the current administration for another 4 years. And McCain is too reluctant to make a break with the neoconservatives and to ready to continue this useless war.
I'll second that notion!I am concerned that McCain has a chance because both democratic candidates have shown some vulnerability.
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