Monday, March 24, 2008

Pine Ridge Pine Warblers

This morning the Greater Ozarks Audubon Society will host its annual field trip to Pine Ridge in southern Christian County to celebrate the return of the Pine Warblers. When I found out that GOAS President Charley Burwick was heading down to the Mark Twain National Forest to look for warblers yesterday, I decided to join him.

The Pine Warblers were there and happy about it. Our first pair responded well to my built in Screech Owl and approached within 15-20 feet. I waited for the colorful male to come close, and he cooperated. All told, we saw and/or heard about 20 Pine Warblers, both Ruby Crowned and Golden crowned Kinglets, a Brown Creeper, and many woodland regulars. With temperatures warming into the 60's today, the field trip group should have a very successful Pine Warbler day. I, on the other hand, am heading for Arkansas today to find some more early warblers and an isolated population of Rufous-crowned Sparrows in the hills that rise out of the Arkansas River valley. Will report on my success or lack of it upon my return.


troutbirder said...

Enjoyed your pictures and commentary with the expectation that some of these birds will be soon arriving here in Minnesota!

Larry said...

wow!that's a lot of Pine Warblers to see compared to what I see in my area.-In the 60's-My favorite kind of weather!

Greg said...

Baron and Larry,
Thanks for dropping by. Yeah, Pine Warblers are singing everywhere! I went down to Arkansas to greet the spring for the last couple of days and Pine Warblers, along with Black and White Warblers, were quite thick there, too.